Is it Boy👶 or Girl 👼?
Looking for unique baby names for your new born baby? 🤱
ASTRO NAME is the new app that suggest 25,000+ unique baby names for indian hindu babies with meaning.
Searching a lot for baby name suggestion for your son/ daughter/ Niece/ Nephew? Here is new app ASTRO NAME.
ASTRO NAME is final destination & End of your long search for unique baby name. We have 25,000+ of name database which you can search based on zodiac sign (Moon sign) and Alphabet wise as well.
ASTRO NAME gives you boy and girl names with meaning which you can share with your family and friends for baby name suggestions.
So, what are you waiting for? Just Download the ASTRO NAME app, select the names from 10k+ names and share with your friends & family now.
You might have seen many applications in Google play store for baby name suggestions but no one will match the way ASTRO NAME does.
We have unique names, filter based on gender of baby (Boy or Girl or both), We have filter based on Zodiac sign (Moon Sign based) (i.e Aries, Taurus etc), we have Filter for Alphabet name based, We have icons ahead of each name that suggest it is boy name or girl name and much more.
We have made clean and simple design for app that you can use it very easily. Also, we have given bookmark facility to name, which you can use to shortlist the name you liked and then share the same names with your friends over Mail, WhatsApp, Facebook, Instagram and much more.
Its 100% free baby name suggestion app, we are providing free, ad free name suggestions for your loved one.
Just download the ASTRO NAME app, AND Start searching the best suitable name for your new born kid.